New Improvements
over 2 years ago

First custom auth is now live

We now have the first custom auth version on the platform. We will keep improving, securing this service in the coming weeks and months.
New Website Android App iOS App
over 2 years ago

Title Based Search Is Now Live On The Mobile Apps & Website

Hello team,
We now have the basic search implementation done on the mobile apps and the website. This will allow users to search based on media titles (movie names, web series name, etc.)

The next version would be one step ahead, bringing cast and description, etc. based search.
Android App Announcement
over 2 years ago

Chromecast is now live on Android!

We now have full Chromecast support on the Android app! The iOS is still pending review, but it should also be live there within 2-3 days.

Found (& Fixed) A Critical Bug In Authentication Process

We found a critical and frustrating bug in the authentication process where users were starting to get logged out intermittently. We started seeing this around November sporadically, but it was for less than 1% users so it was deferred to be fixed later.

However, after Anuradha, the issue suddenly started spiking for a lot of users, where it could no longer be ignored.

The toughest task was finding the issue, it was like finding a needle in a haystack given the enormous codebase we now have. It took a lot of time going through each of the code layer (frontend and backend). 

The issue was first fixed on the website by end of December, fixed in  the TV apps by January first week.

However, even though the issue is fixed on the mobile apps, some very new and unforeseen requirements by both Apple and Google have given rise to the "app rejected" scenarios we tackled earlier.

For e.g. out of nowhere, Google is asking for dummy login credentials (which they didn't ask for the last 6 months through multiple updates). However, since our login system is extremely secure and robust, only authenticating through a mobile based OTP, it's not possible to create a "fake" login.

So we have to now bypass the login system, create an entirely new "login status token" in the backend, and then "fake authenticate" Google's employees to workaround this.

The mobile apps still await the approval due to this new requirement.

A New Flow For Registering Offline Events

We can now register offline events through the Planet Marathi app. This increases the odds of new people installing the app and getting exposed to the brand.

The flow is dynamic so we can manage multiple events, as well as trigger confirmation emails for the users to show to their event organizers. 

Anuradha is now LIVE!

The much-awaited series, Anuradha is now live on Planet Marathi.
Amazon Firestick App Announcement
almost 3 years ago

Firestick App Is Now Live

Our Firestick app is finally live in the Amazon store. We are seeing some issues on some specific Firestick versions and are debugging it now.
Android TV App Announcement
almost 3 years ago

Android TV app is now live!

Planet Marathi is now available on Android TVs. We are continuously resolving specific in-app bugs and deploying fixes for them.

Bhimanna is live

Our premium concert, Bhimanna is now live in Planet Marathi Originals category.

A new flow for giveaways is live (using it for Bhimanna/Granthali users)

We can now offer premium accounts to select users based on specific URLs/deeplinks, without any payment.

Ovyancha Khajina is live

A new category is made for Ovyancha Khajina so it does not get buried inside the music videos.

Performance review log show 98183 simultaneous users!

Hi team, we were just reviewing our logs of last 2 months for performance bottlenecks and were startled at some statistics. Our biggest user spike was on September 4th, with 98000+ users watching videos at the same minute. And the best part is that our system's response time to them was - 14ms, that's 0.014 second response time back from us to their device.
Android TV App Announcement
almost 3 years ago

Android TV app is submitted, not yet LIVE.

Hey team, our Android TV app is now live. We aren't announcing this anywhere purposely, so it's silent launch so we get some feedback. There are a couple more updates with some fixes and minor features that will be done over the week.

The app is still in review specifically for TVs. As always, they have given us an obscure reply, and we are following up on that.

Still waiting for Amazon Firestick team to approve. Will update here about it. 

Music Videos are now live on the platform.

We made the first entry in music content by publishing approx. 45 music videos. More to come soon. 
Backend Announcement
almost 3 years ago

UAE sender ID registered & working

We are now officially registered in the UAE for sending OTPs with our own 6 digit sender ID, and it is working well for delivering our login OTPs. 
Android TV App Announcement
almost 3 years ago

Android TV app submitted

We just submitted the first version of the TV app to the Android TV store. Once this gets approved, we can publish it to Android TVs. Obviously, there would be a few constant updates to the app in the first few weeks.
Amazon Firestick App Announcement
almost 3 years ago

Amazon Firestick TV app submitted

We submitted the brand new TV app to the Amazon Firestick store today. By default it will get published on next Saturday, 23rd October 2021, assuming the approval process on their side gets complete by then.

Will update here once it gets approved.
New Improvements Website
almost 3 years ago

Fixed layout changing on slow networks

The initial website layout was getting rearrnged if a slow network connection was detected. Rohit made improvements which means the application detects a slow network and adjusts the layout accordingly.
Improvements Backend
almost 3 years ago

Created automated pipeline for content ingestion

The backend content ingestion process is now automated. We can process a meta-data sheet from parsing it to pushing it through our custom encoding pipeline.

Removed ads

Removed current "partner" ads as their tenure got over.
Improvements Backend
almost 3 years ago

Added new backup streaming CDN as well as new backup SMS OTP provider.

Added another CDN to our stack, as well as a new OTP provider as a fallback. 
Fixed Android App iOS App
almost 3 years ago

Improved payment logic for international users.

In-app payments had some issues for some users. We made certain fixes that have now resolved all issues when paying with Apple Pay or Google Play.
Improvements Website Android App
almost 3 years ago

Video resolution selection on Android and Website

Users on slow networks can now select a lower video resolution on the Android apps and our website. iOS is not giving us the required permission in-app right now (Apple optimizes the video quality based on network speed natively), we are working on it and this will be available on iOS devices soon.
Improvements Website Android App iOS App
almost 3 years ago

Video speed control

We got repeated requests for giving a video speed control in the player, so this is now enabled.
Improvements Android App iOS App
almost 3 years ago

Stable app builds achieved 3.0.24

After the initial hiccups during the launch, the current released apps are stable app builds with under 1% of crashes or machine errors.
Fixed Website
almost 3 years ago

Fixed website issue specific to Safari browsers.

The website suddenly started throwing a "something went wrong" error only on Safari browsers. This was identified and fixed the same day.

International payment support complete

Now we have full support for international payments on all platforms. 
about 3 years ago

Detailed user analytics now available

We now have a deep analytics integration with Clevertap, which shows much detailed user behavior analysis to us.
about 3 years ago

Ad insertion (static, in-video)

We can show ads within the platform, and track their impressions. Currently we support image ads, carousel ads, and in-video ads. The next stage would be pre-roll ads with an ad-server (but refer to the roadmap for details on this, basically we need much more content and impressions, watch time before we implement that).
Improvements Website Android App iOS App
about 3 years ago

Planet Marathi is now also available in Marathi version

Localization support for Marathi language within the app.